Name: | Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. |
Jurisdiction: | MISSISSIPPI |
Business Type: | Profit Corporation |
Status: | Good Standing |
Effective Date: | 19 May 2023 (2 years ago) |
Business ID: | 1394206 |
State of Incorporation: | PENNSYLVANIA |
Principal Office Address: | 200 E Randolph St , 8th FloorChicago, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY | Agent | 109 Executive Drive, Suite 3, Madison, MS 39110 |
Name | Role | Address |
Bradley W Denison | President | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Jason A Ott | President | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Kip Kelley | President | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
Bradley W Denison | Chief Executive Officer | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Kip Kelley | Chief Executive Officer | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
Colby E Alexis | Director | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Michelle S Ley | Director | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
Colby E Alexis | Secretary | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
Colby E Alexis | Vice President | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Paul A Hagy | Vice President | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
Paul A Hagy | Treasurer | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
Michelle S Ley | Assistant Secretary | 200 E. Randolph St., 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Type | Status | Filed Date | Description |
Annual Report | Filed | 2024-03-29 | Annual Report For Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. |
Formation Form | Filed | 2023-05-19 | Formation For Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. |
Date of last update: 10 Dec 2024
Sources: Mississippi Secretary of State