Name: | WINDRUSH, INC. |
Jurisdiction: | MISSISSIPPI |
Business Type: | Profit Corporation |
Effective Date: | 23 Feb 1990 (35 years ago) |
Business ID: | 570163 |
ZIP code: | 39157 |
County: | Madison |
State of Incorporation: | MISSISSIPPI |
Principal Office Address: | 713 PEAR ORCHARD # 404 BRIDGELAND, MS 39157 |
Name | Role | Address |
GARY D THRASH | Agent | 600 E AMITE ST, JACKSON, MS 39201 |
Name | Role |
GARY B CRESS | Director |
BILLY G LOVE | Director |
JIM WEAVER | Director |
MAC ELLIOTT | Director |
Name | Role |
GARY B CRESS | President |
Name | Role |
BILLY G LOVE | Treasurer |
Name | Role |
JIM WEAVER | Vice President |
Name | Role |
MAC ELLIOTT | Secretary |
Name | Role | Address |
PENNY B PRIMOS | Incorporator | 600 E AMITE ST, JACKSON, MS 39205 |
GARY D THRASH | Incorporator | 600 E AMITE ST, JACKSON, MS 39201 |
Type | Status | Filed Date | Description |
Amendment Form | Filed | 1991-10-16 | Amendment |
Name Reservation Form | Filed | 1990-02-23 | Name Reservation |
Date of last update: 21 Dec 2024
Sources: Mississippi Secretary of State