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Company Details

Jurisdiction: MISSISSIPPI
Business Type: Limited Liability Partnership
Status: Good Standing
Effective Date: 16 Dec 1999 (25 years ago)
Business ID: 679706
ZIP code: 39211
County: Hinds
State of Incorporation: MISSISSIPPI
Principal Office Address: HIGHLAND VILLAGE 4500 I-55 N #213JACKSON, MS 39211

form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP 401K PLAN 2011 640853461 2012-10-13 SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP 8
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2000-03-01
Business code 541211
Sponsor’s telephone number 6019820825
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211
Plan sponsor’s address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 640853461
Plan administrator’s name SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP
Plan administrator’s address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211
Administrator’s telephone number 6019820825

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 8
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 10
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2012-10-13
Name of individual signing DONALD F SUMMERS
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2012-10-13
Name of individual signing DONALD F SUMMERS
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP 401K PLAN 2010 640853461 2011-07-29 SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP 8
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2000-03-01
Business code 541211
Sponsor’s telephone number 6019820825
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211
Plan sponsor’s address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 640853461
Plan administrator’s name SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP
Plan administrator’s address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211
Administrator’s telephone number 6019820825

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 8
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 10
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2011-07-29
Name of individual signing DONALD F SUMMERS
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2011-07-29
Name of individual signing DONALD F SUMMERS
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP 401K PLAN 2009 640853461 2010-07-28 SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP 8
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2000-03-01
Business code 541211
Sponsor’s telephone number 6019820825
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211
Plan sponsor’s address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 640853461
Plan administrator’s name SUMMERS, GREEN & LEROUX, LLP
Plan administrator’s address 4500 I-55 NORTH, SUITE 213, JACKSON, MS, 39211
Administrator’s telephone number 6019820825

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 8
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 10
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2010-07-27
Name of individual signing DONALD F SUMMERS
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2010-07-27
Name of individual signing DONALD F SUMMERS
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature

General Partner

Name Role
HAL GREEN General Partner


Type Status Filed Date Description
Name Reservation Form Filed 1999-12-16 Name Reservation

Date of last update: 26 Dec 2024

Sources: Mississippi Secretary of State